October 5

Death Doula Global Summit Announced!

Your Journey Begins Here

Suzanne B. O’Brien here,

On October 12th-18th, we will be hosting the first ever Global Death Doula Summit.

Ever since my volunteer hospice trip to Zimbabwe, Africa in 2012, I have always been moved by how much more similar we are than different and how we are all connected in this thing called life. Death can teach us everything about living with oneness, presence and compassion– if we would just listen.


That is why we are hosting The very first Death Doula Global Summit!

Death Doula Global Summit

With over 18 speakers from 8 countries, the summit will be interviewing and hearing from some of the most passionate visionaries that have been instrumental in propelling this movement into the worldwide phenomenon we are seeing today and hear from them how the awareness of death can bring us all together no matter where we are in the world.

Join us in global togetherness with speakers representing South Africa, Brazil, Thailand, Canada, Australia, Philippines, United Kingdom, and the United States. Some of the incredible speakers include Michael Hebb, Barbara Karnes RN, Adrian Attoley, Sarah Kerr, Ken Ross, Dr. Karen Wyatt, Keshnie Mathie, Zenith Virago, Brad Wolfe, Deanna Cochran RN, Dr Shoshana Ungerleider, Felicity Warner, and many more!

Join Today

The Tickets are FREE the Interviews are Priceless!


What it is: The Death Doula movement has been going on for the last decade or so and has gained enormous global traction in the last few years due to the organic need for greater support for those at the end of life as well as their families.

The Global Death Doula Summit hopes to achieve four main objectives:

1. Raise awareness of the worldwide Death Doula Movement so that patients and families can utilize doula-support.

2. Share the holistic scope of practice of the Death Doula Profession and share the benefits of this service at one of the most critical times in peoples’ lives.

3. Help to reduce the fear of death.

4. Document the Death Doula Movement in history.

The Death Doula Movement is also gaining great awareness for the beautiful, holistic support and guidance being given by Doulas which is helping to bring back death as something not to be feared, but rather one of our greatest teachers about life. Doulas are empowering families with the opportunity and support needed to care for those they love at this sacred last phase of life.

Join Today

Death is our teacherDeath touches us all. Join us in this uplifting global movement that is helping to lift up our humanity on a worldwide level.

Global Death Doula Summit

Raising the awareness that we are all connected in life and in death has become more important than ever. No matter what a person’s religion, culture, or socioeconomic status, with the right education, kindness, and support, death can be the sacred, natural experience it was meant to be.

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P.S. Please share this with your friends and family. It is time to heal and come together in love, kindness and support.

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certified end of life doula, certified training, death doula summit, doulagiver training, Doulagivers, End of Life, end of life care, End of Life Doula, end of life experiences, global summit, summit, suzanne o’brien, training

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